
Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Gratitude - grat-i-tude - noun - the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  synonyms:  gratefulness, thankfulness, thanks, appreciation, indebtedness

It seems fitting that for November I use this space to express my gratitude.  A lot of people do 30 Days of Thankful, gratitude journals or daily Facebook/Instagram posts.  I cannot remember to do anything every day so I will sum it all up here.

The basics - home, family, health.  Isn't this just a given when you think about gratitude?

My job - even though it isn't what I dreamed I thought I would be doing, it is perfect for me right now.  I love that I have flexibility, amazing managers and that I can do it all from my home.

The internet - First, because it allows me to work from anywhere.  Second, because I can look up anything at any time.  Knowledge is power and the internet provides so much knowledge.

My Rick - I give this man the devil.  I know I do.  He is patient, accepting, kind and generous.  I did good.

My dogs - Many of you think it is silly but they bring me so much joy.  When I am having a bad day, Clyde's smile can just turn it all around.

The youth group at Friendship Baptist Church - Harlyn has always been our little missionary.  It is great to see her faith grow and amazing to see God working with this enormous group of kids.

Ambush Baseball - Hudson's travel team makes for hectic schedules but it has been such a fun experience.  We have learned a lot about our family dynamic, working with others and money management.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Harlyn's Fall Photos

A sample of Harlyn's mini photo shoot.  

All images edited at with Orton filter.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Right Now

A list of present participles.  I love doing this.  It would also make a great scrapbook page.

Feeling:  Overwhelmed and Excited about the coming holidays.  I already have Christmas lists.

Needing:  To decorate for fall

I have a wreath and banner.  That's it.  No pumpkin. No mums.

Loving:  The way I feel on Whole30

Watching:  Scorpion

Listening:  Fleetwood Mac Pandora Station

Eating:  Whole

Drinking:  Water and Black Coffee

Reading:  One Plus One  by JoJo Moyes

Creating:  Lots of scrapbook pages

Enjoying:  Fall Weather, Amazing!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Back to School, Already??

Back in June, I was thinking the summer would never end.  I was struggling getting into a routine with work and the kids being home all day.  I was questioning my excitement about summer. I was dreaming about getting away for a few days.

Fast forward to this week.  Harlyn and Hudson are back at school.  They are both feeling renewed and excited about new friends, schedules, schools and teachers.  Me?  I am going to miss them terribly!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cape San Blas, How I LOVE You!

Words cannot describe how much I love this place.  I am sure there are other beautiful quiet beaches but I love this one.

I love that Rick and Hudson can go fish in the bay right behind the beach.

I love that they can go scalloping.

I love that there aren't a lot of people.

I love the clear green water of the Gulf.

I love that there isn't a place to play putt putt or a water park.

I love that I can take Clyde.

I love that I lay on the beach and read a book, go for a swim, go up to the house take a shower, have fresh dinner, watch the sunset and play some cards before going to bed.  Everyday for an entire week!

Stress Free!  No chaos and very little complaining from the kids.

Without further ado, here are some awesome pics from the week.


Monday, August 11, 2014

13 Years Ago!

13 years ago, I was 21!
13 years ago, I stood waiting for my turn behind the fence at the Kershaw-Cornwallis House.
13 years ago, my dad said, "Are you sure?"
13 years ago, Mindy was attacked by a bumble bee.  She whispered, "I'm sorry."
13 years ago, Rick said, "I Will" and then "I do".
13 years ago, we had the most amazing wedding ever!

It's funny the things I remember!  If you didn't guess already, it's our 13th Anniversary.

I can already tell it's going to be a different year than all the rest.  There are going to be different struggles and different times of joy.

Here's to our crazy version of happily ever after!  Now we are off to The Bahamas to celebrate!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Rafting in Hot Springs

For July 4th weekend we packed up the TENT and headed to Hot Springs, North Carolina.  Hot Springs is a beautiful little mountain town full of hippies and hikers.

The Appalachian Trail actually goes straight down the sidewalk of Main Street.

We stayed at Creek Ridge Campground.  We were literally on the side of the mountain.

To get to the creek you had to hike a dangerous trail straight down and straight back up.  I saw the creek one time!

Hudson caught a water snake.

Saturday we went on a guided white water rafting trip down the French Broad River.  We had the best guide, Tater.  He was 'groovy'!  Somehow I didn't get a picture of him but I did get absolutely the most unflattering photo of me! Ughh!

We had a full day trip so we stopped on the river bank for a yummy lunch and photos of course.

Saturday night, the town of Hot Springs hosted a Freedom Festival.  We had dinner outside while a band played, then we went down to the town green and watched fireworks.  It was awesome!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hooray for Summer!

HOORAY FOR SUMMER!  We are so happy you are finally here!

Hudson finished off the year great on Honor Roll.  He earned two ribbons and several certificates.  Next year he will move to a new school.  We will miss Blaney so much!

Hudson attended baseball camp at the high school and is at Gamecock Baseball Camp this week.

Harlyn also finished off well.  Making a B on her research report about Australia.  She even ended with an overall B in Math.  I must say this is quiet the accomplishment.  I am so proud of her hard work this year.  Her reward for her first ever B in math...Luke Bryan!

Yes, it rained, it poured but her date was okay with it.

Softball is over after 14 games.  We hosted the end of season party.  Harlyn and the girls really enjoyed swimming and the slumber party.  I can't believe I forgot to take pictures!

Cousins Weekend was a huge success!  We had a blast!

Looking forward to our Cape San Blas vacation!