
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

Back in the Swing of Things

Today the kids went back to school. They both felt horrible this morning, near death I tell you.  Somehow they made it to school.  I missed them while they were gone.  I certainly didn't think I would feel that way after two weeks of working with them here.  I think it helped that the holidays broke up the weeks.  

Anywho, middle school doesn't skip a beat and we worked on homework until 9:00.  Harlyn is stressed about school and struggles with organization and planning.  I try to help but know that I come across more negative than helpful.  That is definitely something I need to work on.

Hudson has two practices this week so I will need to stay on top of his work as well.  I know school is more work on me than it was my parents.  I just don't remember them having to be so hands-on!

Welcome back to school, schedules, routines, deadlines, homework, and reality!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year

This year we planned a small get together to ring in 2014.  Some of our favorite old and new friends came.  

It was so fun and we were in bed by 1:30 am.


I saw this posted on Pinterest and it really made me think.  

Aren't our resolutions normally trying to be a better version of ourselves.  Lose weight, organize, and budget are always on my list.  Really, instead of stressing out and disappointing myself,  I will just try my best!

Happy New Year!!!


Lights of Lugoff parade

Naughty Rudolph




Fire truck



It was a whirlwind of fun!!


Catching Up

Apparently, we started a blog at the wrong time.  The busy fall season ran into the holidays with such force we haven't had a chance to catch our breath.  

In November we took a weekend trip with my parents to the North Carolina mountains.  We were in the lower, smaller mountains but they were still mountains.  

Harlyn and Brice went gem mining in Chiminey Rock.

We had dinner at a really cool brick over pizza place.  They even had live music.

There were deer all around our cabin.

Brice entertained us all with his cuteness.